Friday, November 23, 2012

Daily Creepers

I have some new creepers for you. :]

Anonymous was on Pumpchkin's wall O__O

I have a husband now....??!?!?!?!??!?!

O____O That's an..... interesting way to describe my face....

Em out~

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Daily Creepers

I have some new creepiness for you....

Who loved that post on my wall?!? xD

Em out~

Awesome Artbooks! ;D

I have found some cool artbooks for you :)))

Oh, and as you suggested, I'll be posting who made them so you can find them easier ;)

That ice cream one looks yummy! :D

Em out~


If you haven't noticed... The sincerely missed "Geometric Skirts" have made an appearance in the store after becoming a "rare" item for months in the past... Many people have been purchasing it!

I believe the price went down as well! Thanks you MSP for hearing us out for our need of Geos!!!


Monday, November 19, 2012

Daily Creepers

I have found some creepers for you today. c:


I still don't understand how they can keep adding me to their artbooks xD

Em out~

Pump Planet is REAL.

Pump Planet is real, and coming soon O__O

Click here to see Pump Planet.

There's writing at the bottom, but none of it makes sense....


Em out~

Sunday, November 18, 2012


Sorry about the inactivity.
It's been a busy week. I had to celebrate three birthdays (including my own), plus my teachers gave us tests every day and extra homework. :/
I promise there will be more posts later today or by tomorrow morning. For sure. lol.
Thanks so much for reading my blog. I love blogging xD

Em out~