Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Geo Skirt Theory- with Rose3815

Hey its Rose3815, with my very first post!!! :) If you don't know I'm Emily's sister. Anyways, lets get to the topic.

Everyone knows what geo skirts are, right? If you don't know- they're rare skirts that are out of the store and you can't even buy them in looks. D:<

Well there's a rumor going around that geo skirts are coming back!!! :D However, I have a theory about them. Moviestarplanet staff knows we want them badly, right? And MSP wants more people to buy diamonds, RIGHT? (See where I'm going?) I think that if they come back, you'd have to pay with diamonds to buy the geo skirts.

I'm not saying this is going to happen, but it's very possible. I'm hoping to post more often, so please comment if you liked this post and you might see me more on the blog! ;)

~Rose3815 <3 p="p">

Profile Glitch

So while I was making a creeper post, I noticed a random glitch on profiles.

NonVIP people show up as VIP people on profiles.

For example, Boom chicka boom boom has a VIP sign on my profile....

But on her page, she doesn't have VIP....

Random, huh? xD

Em out~

Friday, September 21, 2012

The REAL Laura

Here's a video of the REAL Lauramd555 that is on Youtube. (A lot of you have seemed curious about  how old she is.)

It's a little hard to believe that this is the girl that cussed my best friend out. This is the girl that made lots of my forumer friends quit....

Em out~

Thursday, September 20, 2012

New Chatroom!

Exciting News! There's a new chatroom!

It's called the "You Tube Cinema" and it's pretty cool!

This new chatroom was just released on September 20, 2012 at around 8:00 PM!

The really unique thing that I like about this chatroom is that it plays real You Tube videos! Plus- Each chatroom plays different videos!

So go check it out soon! :)


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Awesome Artbooks! :D

Here are some pretty cool artbooks I've found! :)

First up- An Angry Birds artbook created by our very own Lil Dude! :D

Check out this Patriotic artbook remembering 9/11 :)

Elmo! :D

This Jack Skeleton artbook is perfect with Halloween coming up! :D

This girl looks just like Niki Manaj!

Jojo has a cute artbook advretising herBack to School series!

Make sure you click that like button for all these AMAZING artbooks! ;)

Em out~

Monday, September 17, 2012

Someone Is Trying to Delete Pumpchkin and I O__O

I got this email. Someone was trying to be my mom O__O and they were asking for Moviestarplanet to delete me and "my sister" Pumpchkin's accounts.

  1. I love how my "mom" types like a 6 year old o.O
  2. Since when has Pumpchkin been my sister?!
  3. My mom says that she wants to delete me because I'm cursing. Then she curses later in the email. Makes sense, right? No.
  4. I NEVER curse online o.O
I'm pretty sure Izzybeegrace did this. The person types just like her. Also, she's been spamming my email lately ._.

Em out~

Daily Creeper O__O

Instead of many creepers, this post is about one really creepy one O__O


Em out~

Sunday, September 16, 2012

MSP News!

Here's some random news for you!

  • Pumpchkin has leveled up to level 25 and is catching up quickly to ShortMovies!

  • BlueBackUp is fighting to stop bullying! Please love her artbook! ;)

  • SoftAngle would like to tell you all that she is dating GothEpic. Apparently three girls have asked him out so she just wants to get the message out there...

  • LOTS more people are getting hacked! Short Movies is just one of them.... Keep your passwords safe!

Em out~

Epic Hunger Games Videos! ^-^

I've been seeing a lot of Hunger Games related videos... So here are a few of them ^-^

  • "I Wanna Go Hunger Games!" is a Hunger Games Parody of "I Wanna Go" by Britney Spears. You can also buy this song on iTunes... I have! :)

  • "The Huntress" is a dance from Dance Moms that was inspired by the Hunger Games!

  • Teens reacted to The Hunger Games!

Em out~

Daily Creepers!

More creepers for you O__O

Medusa and My Beard is my Life are BACK O__O


Em out~