Saturday, September 8, 2012

MSP News~

More people have been quitting because of Laura. LOTS more. I want my forum friends back!!!! :'(


Also, Anonymous has made an appearance at the Horror Cafe O__O

Check out this cool Facebook artbook! ;D

Speaking of artbooks, make sure you love up my Mini MSP Beat artbook! :) Thanks to all the people who loved and shared it!

Em out~

Laura Is Back O__O

A lot of people say that I'm "mean to Laura" because I posted about how she made a bunch of stalker accounts for me. Some people say how nice Laura is and how she is their role model. Laura lately has been quiet and I was kinda thinking she had changed to a better person.

She hasn't.

So SoftAngle made a Forum topic telling people to calm down.

That's when Laura showed up and started being Laura.

Then Laura started daring SoftAngle to quit.

Lilybug said that Laura hacked one of her besties... Laura has admitted in the past that she could hack. :/

So Laura thinks that she's better than everyone else? Yeah right.

After making SoftAngle quit, Laura kept making fun of players until she got bored and left.

So you can thank Laura for making SoftAngle quit the forums.

Em out~

Friday, September 7, 2012

Daily Creepers

I promised my friend BlueBackUp that I would make a Creeper post this morning. So I will. :)

YOUR DEAD1234 is back from her 4 week lockout O__O


Um. How can someone stalk my BLOG? o.O

Em out~

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Short Movies'' and Pumpchkin News!

Pumpchkin is catching up to Short Movies''....

Pumpchkin has about 11 million fame left until she catches up to Shortmovies! However, ShortMovies does not seem to be very active. She has had the same clothes and animation for at least a month now!

Pumpchkin may have a new boyfriend! Check out this sweet artbook she wrote to her newest bestie! ;)

Em out~

Silver Beach is Back!

Well, Silver beach is back and Anonymous is gone!

There have been rumors of Anonymous being on Texas Beach as well. But she's long gone now...

Hopefully Anonymous will stay out of MSP!

Em out~

An AWESOME Friend!

So this AWESOME girl named Joeigirl1 messaged me saying how her best friend is quitting and she wanted me to help her friend stay:

This girl is an AWESOME friend! She has post after post on her profile telling her BFF to not quit and she made an artbook saying that if it got 50 loves, then her BFF will stay.

Joeigirl1's artbook:

Joeigirl1's BFF (Davidbowie<3)'s artbook:

Make sure you love these artbooks! Nobody ever wants a fellow moviestar to leave! Also, to all the people who are quitting: please, please stay! Someone, somewhere is gonna miss you!

To Joeigirl1: You are truly are an AWESOME friend! Bow is so so lucky to have you as her BFF! ;)

Stay strong! <3

Em out~

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Anonymous- and Silver Beach- Are GONE.

This morning I looked at the beaches to see if Anonymous was still there....

All the beaches' names were back to normal.

However- Silver Beach was GONE...

Did MSP have to remove Silver Beach to remove Anonymous? Or did Anonymous remove Silver Beach?

Em out~

Monday, September 3, 2012

Anonymous Has Returned...?

People on the forums started saying she was back....

So I decided to hit the Beach.

I found that the chat room names had random letters for names.

I got to Silver Beach, and Anonymous was there O__O

She never said a word... You could not click her to see her profile O__O

However, the REAL Anonymous says that they wouldn't hack MovieStarPlanet, according to this video O__O

Hopefully this person is NOT the real Anonymous....

Em out~

Sunday, September 2, 2012

I Was Dared! xP

Wassabi! Lil' here! :)
If you haven't noticed, I've recently been dared...
<----- So now I look like this
***Exclusive secrets only for our readers***
-I dared myself xD
-The whole outfit and makeup costed around 2,000 starcoins
Anyways... For this dare... My user is supposed to look like the "olden days" xD
You likey? :P

If you're intrested in helping me... I did make an artbook about the dare :P ^^^^^
I would really appreciate it if you could spend a minute to glance at it... Or even like, comment, or share it! Maybe it could make the top pages! :D Thank you so much everyone!
