Okay... Umm... What's all this drama about?
Cmon' guys... This is just a website that is supposed to be FUN...
Lots of people are like... Deleting themselves from MSP because of the so called "teams"
ESPECIALLY "team pump," "team jojo," and all that other junk...
Now these teams HATE on eachother... For some apparent reason...
But truth is... We are all people!!! We all deserve to be treated the same!!! (gasp!)
Plus, maybe even Pump and Jojo are even younger than you are! Who knows?
I don't get why we need to hate on eachother for all this silly stuff...
Now, I'm not actually hating on anyone but... Just because someone is a high level doesn't mean they are any better!
The fact that these people think they're all better than everyone SICKENS me! e.e
Sure, they worked hard to get to their position, but they don't need to rub it in our faces!!!
I say we demolish these "teams" and lose all this drama... Who's with meh??? (Except the Emily Army of course, cuz they know how to RESPECT)
Together we CAN stop the hate! Together we CAN stop the teams!
All that has been holding us back was fear! Let's all be brave and start acting on this!!!
If you're with me, spread the word about demolishing the teams! Mail your friends about it!
Imagine, a MSP without drama... :D
And if anyones bringing you down, you can always count on me (and probably Em) to help! ;) Remember, they're no better than you are!
Welps kk, sorry about the long post xD And if you read the whole thing... Thank chu!!! :3
P.S. This post is not meant to offend anyone... Thanks... :) Okay I'm done xD