Monday, November 12, 2012

Remembering Jude

Not all of us knew Jude well, so I asked someone who did to tell us what she thought about him.

SoftAngle was Jude's best friend while he was playing. She says that she will keep him as her best friend, even though he has deleted himself.

Thanks SoftAngle! We all will be missing Jude. :(

Em out~


  1. They went too far. Did you know what they said? I'm not going to say exact, but they called him gay and... um... a dog.
    I contacted MSP sending them the exact comment Devesh said. I asked them why in the world are you letting them continue this. I'll comment with my answer and post on your forums what I got back. Wish me luck

  2. Some Drama-Free people Huh? -____-

  3. Poor Jude :( I just had a bestie who reccently drleted herself so I know how yhu feel SoftAngel :((

  4. Poor jude! It's all cutes and those other ppl. We'll stil be remembering Jude. :'(

    ~S♥A♥R♥A♥H H♥A♥Y♥L♥I♥N

  5. Although I did not know who Jude was it was a matter of time until this girl started on pumps wall how she and her demons bullied him which ended up him deleting his account. After I knew the whole story I left team pump. This came as a shock to me. I never knew they could do something so horrible. It was sad.... :'(

    ~Vanessa from Msp ( not exact username )


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