Wednesday, August 15, 2012

MSP News!

Sorry I haven't been posting I have like 3 hours of homework plus dog walking so it's been difficult lol.

First of all, Pumpchkin is defriending everyone but like 5 people.

I don't know about this investigation, because when Laura was bugging me I emailed MSP and they said to please just report her. But I can totally understand about the bullying thing.

Also, people's moms are going on people's accounts?

Of course, there are more creepers... And some returning ones.

Well, Youwishyouneverknewme is still active :/

Em out~


  1. Lol if their mom's didn't know what the site was, how did they know their passwords? SMH. (:

  2. for the pump defriending people, I mailed u about how it all was a fake. PS meh acc is Brinley

    1. It's not fake. .___. Pump isn't even a Celeb anymore. I'm sure she and Joanna deleted everyone.

    2. Hai Emily! >________< People waist there time on pumps page! There just saying mean things about her. People dont even pay attention to pump anymore.

    3. im on Australian msp im slimeymimey and I keep getting hacked

  3. OMG!! I'M ON YOUR BLOG!!! MY FORUM IS ON YOUR BLOG!! THAT IS AWESOME!!!! :D and I really was hacked by my mom.she tells me what password to put. -.- I hate it. ~anita8181~

  4. My mom doesn't go on my account, my dad does, he goes on my account! O_____O

  5. ugh i dont even like pump so.. yea but cool blog


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