Sunday, August 12, 2012

Official Anonymous is NOT on MSP

*Thanks to ~Music Lover~ for the tip!

The official Anonymous group has declared that the Anonymous on MSP is NOT them.

Check out this video!

At the end, it says that whoever is pretending to be them better watch out and that their accounts are not safe. o__O

Em out~


  1. Wow... People REALLY Contacted The Real Anonymous Group About This...

  2. O.O how did they find out O.o

  3. That creeped my mom out and I was hacked by them I'm izzybeegrace

  4. How did they do all that stuff like go in the leve 5 chat room when they were leve 0

  5. Omigosh! I was so scared. Seriously, that voice was super scary.

  6. I'd be scared if I were the person that started all of this. O_O

  7. O_O thank god it isnt them... Im just glad that they would never hack a kid website... O.o they only hack the goverment... so they have a new enemy though... o__O wonder how they found out... and I wonder if they'd actually help stop them...-Kaitlyn987

  8. omg i was the one that showed u the vid!! i feel so proud ^-^


  9. How did they find out anyway?? O__O But somehow I feel.... Safe knowing it isn't them. And how are they talking if they're masks aren't moving? Ik I'm dumb sometimes, but how?!
    Love your Blog! :))

  10. OMG i searched your username (emily3815) in google to get to ur blog today and Laura make a YOUTUBE video about you!! its totally lame and stuff, shes just complaining about how you keep her on your blog. but heres the link:

    P.S. i'm team emily :)

  11. Yay! I Was Always Scared From Them O.O

  12. O_O They scare me..The real ones...


  13. Knew it all along. Wow that chick is in soo much fat trouble once the real anonymous finds them.. O_O

  14. Omigosh lol the voice made my dog run out of the room lol i was so scared and apparently anonymous has been hacking canada search anonymous hackers on youtube ahhh i feel anonymous cause thats what my thin o have to use on here is


  15. OH.MY.GAWD.

    I Had The Sound On 100% And When The Video Started, I Was Like, 'AHHH!'

  16. omg thanks for not hacking moviestarplanet!!!!!! :) and maybe my brother is them...... idk o.o


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