Thursday, July 26, 2012

More Lies from Laura

Laura is just plain creepy. She stalked me with fake accounts because I "didn't answer her messages" and now she's saying that she DIDN'T make the stalker accounts. I'm just glad she's out of my room.... She stayed in my room for TWO HOURS, creeping out all my friends.

It's kind of obvious that the stalkers are Laura. Why would they say that they aren't her when she already said she wasn't them?

Well, Laura is still stalking me....

Also, I'm not the first person Laura has stalked.

I feel your pain.

O___O That's nice, Laura...

Em out~


  1. That picture where it says, "BECAUSE YOU ARE THE SAME PERSON" made me laugh so hard. :D

  2. OMG she made a forum about you saying that you quit, i was randomly looking through the forums and thought she looked familiar...

  3. Laura is my friend and she threw a party in readysetgo's house. I dont know her full user.

  4. Hey its me josh.
    Laura is just PLAIN creepy. well it IS obvious shes the same person on the stalker accounts.

  5. hey Emily it me Yazmeen dont worry she is creppy i'm your back up Emily dont worry

  6. Hey..Em im sooo happy u made this whole website...everyone from MSP is on it!!! IF UR A GIRL ON MSP BE MY BFF I'm Rocky249


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