Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Okay, so I saw an... interesting topic on the Forums.

Then I remembered that this guy had messaged me saying that my Wifey, Chick had "cheated" on me. Here's how THAT went.

Apparently he's been messaging a lot of other people that their boyfriends/girlfriends are cheating on them. he also isn't the only one. I've gotten at least one other message saying that Chick has been "cheating" on me, lol. How can she be cheating when we aren't even dating? We're only besties, lol.

He may be targeting Forum people because he messaged me a little after I posted a new Topic. Click here to read about how to deal with Forum Stalkers like this guy.

Don't believe what he says about your boyfriends or girlfriends! He's saying that to EVERYONE and just wants to cause trouble!

Good luck guys!

Em out~


  1. Well, He's been saying that stuff to everyone. So yeah, it's kind of obvious he's lying.

    -Some guy, somewhere.

  2. He said I'm cheating on Zach O_O.... I'm GENIE :D

  3. I havent been on MSP and missed this?!?! >.< i really need a new laptop..


  4. its me im me me me 1

  5. Replies
    1. Yup he shore is... O_O Koolkid Twilight


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