Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Artbook Help

A lot of people get confused about how to make artbooks. Here's how to change the writing and to add Youtube videos!

  • How to change the text color, font, or size
  1. Go to the right side and click the blue arrow that points to the left.
  2. Click "text". It should scroll down to show the text boxes.
  3. Select the text you want by clicking on it.
  4. There should be a blue oval with a flashing black line somewhere on your artbook. If it isn't there, then keep clicking the text box you want until you see it. It's a little hard to find, but keep trying.
  5. Once you're found the text box on your artbook, click on it and write something in it so you know where it is.
  6. Click the blue arrow from step one to close the side.
  7. Click on the text. A square with colors should show up and different kinds of fonts. Click what font or color you want the text to be.
  8. To change the size of your text, then Click on the blue squares on the outside of the text and (while holding the clicker) drag it in and out to make your text smaller or bigger.

  • How to add a Youtube video to your artbook/ make a playlist
  1. Click on the Youtube button in the top right corner or in Movietown.
  2. Go to the video you want to add.
  3. Make sure the video is in its normal size so you can see the comments. On the top right corner of the video is a yellow + sign. Click this. It might take a few seconds, but it will say "Video Added to Playlist."
  4. Go back to your artbook and click on the blue arrow in the corner. Click Youtube, then select your video. You can only add one video per artbook, sadly.

Hope this helps! If you have any ideas, questions, or concerns please leave a comment.

Em out~


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